Sick pullet after shipping

Definitely never order from them again, and are you able to post a review on their site or Social Media, even a blog. I have actually had companies (probably larger ones) respond to me through these venues. I think larger companies have a feed set up to catch any mention of their name. I understand that companies can't replace every chick/pullet that arrives in poor condition, but they should have been honest with you about the age of the birds and they should have done their homework regarding summer climate in Arizona before just putting them in a box and shipping them off.

It's horrible to see any animal suffer like that and so disappointing when you had gone to such lengths to find them. I don't know where you are located in Arizona or how long "months ago" was, but chicks are and have been available for several months at Tractor Supply and at Arizona Feed in my area. My 2 wk old chickies were kind of a spontaneous purchase so I just happened into Tractor Supply and saw them. In retrospect, I would have purchased them earlier, before the heat wave descended upon us, but they are hanging in there. I put ice in their water in the afternoon. They seem to be refreshed by it. Hope to hear better news from you soon! 🤗🙏
Thanks for your reply. We brought her inside due to the severe heat we are having, this morning she's perked up a bit and stool is more normal. We plan to continue hand feeding and taking her to a vet tomorrow if she is unchanged. Neither of us understand how she's even still alive. As for chicks, where we live, they disappear within minutes of being put out for sale. Took us almost 2 months to get the two we still have. We were wanting pullets so that we weren't waiting months before we got eggs. The fact that the other pullet is doing so well leads me to believe this was not a healthy chicken from the start, but I have little faith that this company will do the right thing... whatever that is at this point.
Thanks again!
Thanks for your reply. We brought her inside due to the severe heat we are having, this morning she's perked up a bit and stool is more normal. We plan to continue hand feeding and taking her to a vet tomorrow if she is unchanged. Neither of us understand how she's even still alive. As for chicks, where we live, they disappear within minutes of being put out for sale. Took us almost 2 months to get the two we still have. We were wanting pullets so that we weren't waiting months before we got eggs. The fact that the other pullet is doing so well leads me to believe this was not a healthy chicken from the start, but I have little faith that this company will do the right thing... whatever that is at this point.
Thanks again!
Glad she is improving. Yes, chicks are going quickly this year but not because of Covid. The spending spree our pres is on has many concerned about inflation and empty store shelves and power outages so they are doing survival prep. That is on part why I bought mine.

If you want I can check Tucson stores, but they will definitely be chicks. Message me and let me know.
Glad she is improving. Yes, chicks are going quickly this year but not because of Covid. The spending spree our pres is on has many concerned about inflation and empty store shelves and power outages so they are doing survival prep. That is on part why I bought mine.

If you want I can check Tucson stores, but they will definitely be chicks. Good luck.
I appreciate the offer. For now we want to wait to see how all this pans out. Just need time now..... thanks again.

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