Sick pullet, please help. Sour crop?


Apr 28, 2018
New Jersey
This is Olive, my 15 week old Easter Egger/Ayum Cemani cross pullet. Yesterday, I noticed she wasn’t her normal self, not coming for treats, sleeping in the coop and had her tail tucked. Her crop was very distended (doesn’t feel hard, feels squishy). After some research, I massaged it and induced some vomiting and she had some burps. I took away all food, and moved her inside. This morning still distended, I have syringed her with an ACV and water mix, and got her to vomit again this morning and afternoon. I am worried, because I feel a blueberry sized object in her crop that doesn’t seem to be going anywhere. Her poo is straight water. I can’t keep food away from her forever, and I really don’t want to lose her. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Please help!
I would remove the ACV from the water. Give her Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes with water. Think about other problems that may make her crop squishy and five her diarrhea, such a s possible coccidiosis. Vomiting a chicken can be very dangerous. I have not had much success in treating crop disorders, but here are a couple of good articles about crop problems that might help you:
I would remove the ACV from the water. Give her Poultry NutriDrench or electrolytes with water. Think about other problems that may make her crop squishy and five her diarrhea, such a s possible coccidiosis. Vomiting a chicken can be very dangerous. I have not had much success in treating crop disorders, but here are a couple of good articles about crop problems that might help you:
I would not vomit her again. How did her crop contents smell? With a soft crop failing to empty overnight, I’d try treating her for sour crop. There are a few options for antifungals. I personally have had success with clotrimazole vaginal cream for my hens (given orally). I think it was 1mL twice daily for a week, but can look it up to be sure.
I would not vomit her again. How did her crop contents smell? With a soft crop failing to empty overnight, I’d try treating her for sour crop. There are a few options for antifungals. I personally have had success with clotrimazole vaginal cream for my hens (given orally). I think it was 1mL twice daily for a week, but can look it up to be sure.
They didn’t smell as horrible as I would have expected. It was more of a fermented smell. Would love it if, when you get a chance, you could give me the proper dosing. Thanks!

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