Sick pullet, poop pictures..any idea whats wrong?


6 Years
Sep 20, 2017
This is my 6 month old pullet. She is a poland x legbar
Today I went to feed her and found her just standing there very lethargic and a little unbalanced. I noticed her poop was creamy and a light yellow colour.
I have brought her into the house and have her set up in my shower room. Any ideas what could be wrong


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Can you try and take her to a vet for a fecal float and exam? Does she lay eggs? How does her crop feel—empty, full, puffy, doughy, or hard? Is her lower belly enlarged? With her yellow stools, she could be suffering from a liver issue or reproductive problem. It would be hard to know for sure without a vet. Do you have any antibiotics? I would try to get her eating some watery chicken feed with some bits of scrambled egg.
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I would worm her as a starting point.
If the yellow poop is as bright as it looks in the first picture, like Eggcessive I would be tempted to say a liver problem rather than a reproductive issue.
Crop function is something you can check now; fullish at night and empty in the morning.
If her crop feels full and squidgy now and she hasn't been eating much then you could work on sour/slow crop treatment.
The best option is to get her to a vet.
In this post there is a picture of a poop sample not disimilar to yours, but without the yellow. Worming and the tale in the thread seems to have sorted it out.
It's the yellow, that is concerning.
Can you try and take her to a vet for a fecal float and exam? Does she lay eggs? How does her crop fell—empty, full, puffy, doughy, or hard? Is her lower belly enlarged? With her yellow stools, she could be suffering from a liver issue or reproductive problem. It would be hard to know for sure without a vet. Do you have any antibiotics? I would try to get her eating some watery chicken feed with some bits of scrambled egg.

she hasn't started laying yet. she is just over 6 months old (i'm in the uk so my chickens normally dont lay again until march as its cold)
she was completely fine yesterday.
her crop seemed full so i massaged it and gave her plenty of water. i have wormer so will try that tomorrow (As i mix it in with her feed and i want to check if her crop is empty in the morning) .
depending on how she is in the morning i will probably head to the vets as this is something ive not ever experienced before.
I would worm her as a starting point.
If the yellow poop is as bright as it looks in the first picture, like Eggcessive I would be tempted to say a liver problem rather than a reproductive issue.
Crop function is something you can check now; fullish at night and empty in the morning.
If her crop feels full and squidgy now and she hasn't been eating much then you could work on sour/slow crop treatment.
The best option is to get her to a vet.
In this post there is a picture of a poop sample not disimilar to yours, but without the yellow. Worming and the tale in the thread seems to have sorted it out.
It's the yellow, that is concerning.

thank you for your reply. i had a look all over the internet and could'nt find any poop pictures that look like her poop that's why i was so worried. i hope she survives the night. she was completely fine yesterday so whatever the problem is, she has fallen ill pretty fast.

im in the uk and its currently 8:30pm so i will check her crop in the morning (to rule our sour crop etc). if shes still in a bad way i will take her straight to the vets
I had a bantam experience this recently. I’m pretty sure it was a crop issue. I used apple cider vinegar in her water and olive oil in her food and added some gentle crop massage ... she eventually recovered. I don’t swear by those methods, but after internet research, it’s the best I could do without a poultry vet in town. Good luck!
Unfortunately I went to check on her this morning at 7am and she was dead. Her crop was empty so I assume she had a liver problem. Such a shame she was a lovely little chicken that I hatched in my incubator.
Unfortunately I went to check on her this morning at 7am and she was dead. Her crop was empty so I assume she had a liver problem. Such a shame she was a lovely little chicken that I hatched in my incubator.
:hugs sorry for your loss
I dont know the accessibility to chicken necropsy where you live, but it might be worth looking into.

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