Sick Quail Antwarp Belgium


5 Years
Jul 8, 2014
Yesterday when I went out to see the bantams I noticed that one of my Quail Antwerp Belgium pullets wasn't moving much so I picked her up and looked at her and her vent was clogged so we washed it out and but her in a dogcrate with food and water. After we put her in the crate I noticed that she was sitting back so I knew that she must be sick. But, how can I treat her, or do you know if there is somthing that the small animal vet can do? This is a picture of her.

sorry the image didnt work i will try again

she can barly walk and now she can hardly keep her eyes open, my dad doesn't think that she is egg blund either
Hi there, I hope your little one is going okay. We recently went to the vet and got an antibiotic solution prescribed for my little hen, because she has a nasty bacterial infection named Mycoplasma Synoviae. I don't know much about chicken diseases but I would recommend noting her symptoms and searching this forum for possible causes. Best wishes :)
thanks i think that she may be recovering but only very slowly she will likely not be a show bird but I am just hoping that she recovers

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