Sick Quail, HELP!!!


birds, sky, stars
Aug 12, 2021
I have a sick Texas A&M quail named Pipsqueak. She had an eye infection when she was a chick, but eventually, she healed. Now, she is 9 months old. She was always skinny, but healthy. She doesn't eat or drink much anymore and just sleeps. Since the weather is getting colder now, and that she is sick and so skinny, I bring her outside every day and feed her antibiotics every 30 mins. - 1 hour. I have to dip her head in food and water to make her eat and drink, though she still doesn't eat much. Before she was sick, she suddenly turned into a bully so I put her alone in a cage. Then, she got sick. She is always droopy and I'm afraid she won't last very long! Anyone have suggestions!?
Since you found a thread with similar symptoms, have you tried any of the suggestions there?

Not laying could just be the time of year, but if you gently feel around her vent, do you feel an egg? If so, she could be egg bound.

You may also be over dosing her on the antibiotics. Do you know what the proper dosage is? What antibiotic are you feeding her? What food are you feeding her? Is she pooping at all?
I haven't felt around her vent yet, but I will do it later. I also will ask my mom what type of antibiotics I'm feeding her because she just gave it to me 😅. She eats Purina Feed with like the oyster shell protein or something, I can't remember what it it is exactly called right now. Pipsqueak is still pooping but it is whitish and small
Ok, so I looked at her vent and it was kinda all wrinkled up and there was anything hard or abnormal. She was struggling against my grasp so I put back and it seems it had taken up a lot of her energy. She seems weak and even more skinny. Pipsqueak eats Purina: Layena, Layer crumbles, Poultry feed and I add oyster shell. Sometimes I feed the quail mealworms but I will cut down on that.
Do you have any Nutri-drench around? She needs to get some food and water into her. You might try some boiled, crushed egg yolk to tempt her.

Is a vet an option?
sure, I'll try the egg yolk (once my mom gets back that is). Um, there is no vet around that accepts gamebirds where I live, just dogs, cats, hamsters, parrots, and others of that sort.

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