Sick Roo


Jan 24, 2017
San Antonio, Texas
About 3 days ago we noticed our normally very attentive roo not watching his girls and literally sleeping on the job - just sleeping in random places around the yard (Our flock is free range). That’s when we knew something was up with him. The next day his eyes were gunked up and closed so when he was roosting that evening we picked him up to separate him from the rest of the flock. He didn’t put up a fuss at all - also a sign he’s not feeling well because he hates to be handled. I’ve been using cotton balls and warmed saline to clear his eyes from the gunk a few times a day which he seems to enjoy. I’ve top dressed his feed with poultry vitamins and I think I’ll add apple cider vinegar to his water too. He’s not smelly. Weak and lethargic. Doesn’t sound raspy. Still crowing loud and clear. Any suggestions to help him recoup? So far no other chickens appear ill.


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