Sick Rooster


In the Brooder
6 Years
Oct 2, 2013
I have a 7-8 month madigan claret who is recovering from a hard molt. His new feathers are coming out and I'm happy to see that. However, I am concerned about his health status. I think he is sick. It started around 2-3 weeks ago. The following is what I see so far.

- minor runny nose but can still breathe.
- I hear a bubbly sound coming from his throat when I hold him. The bubbly sound could be coming from his nose I can't tell. But it sounds bubbly.
- He stinks like sea salt all over his feathers.
- He does not crow.
- He has liquid poop.
- Color of the poop is green, brown, and white.
- I caught him drooling a couple times. But looked like it was coming from his nose. I'm not exactly too sure.
- He has a small crop. Sometimes I can't even find or feel his crop.
- I think he might've sneezed a few times. I heard a hissing sound, not sure if that's sneezing.

- he eats and drinks water as usual.
- he kicks very strong and tries to break loose whenever I try to hold him.
- he flaps his wings hard which is a good sign.
- I caught him trying to mate, but I separated him because he's sick.
- currently separated from his pullet. By the way, his pullet is doing okay with no problems.
- there are no signs of swelling.
- no signs of sores in the mouth.
- no signs of watery eyes.
- no discoloration of the comb or wattle.
- he never threw up or purged any food.
- comb/wattle color is red.
- cage is cleaned out every 3 days.
- water and food is always clean.

I gave him some vitamin pills and he seems to be doing okay with that. I gave him some green tea (with and without caffeine) and he loves it. I gave him some chopped garlic as well and he eats it sometimes. But all the BAD stuff is still there.
I'm currently injecting him with Tylan 50. Today is the second day of Tylan 50. I was told to inject for 3 days only and any more than that will kill him. I don't know what else to do.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It definitely sounds like he is sick, probably with a respiratory disease. Is he isolated from the other birds? If he isn't already, isolate him. Give him some electrolytes, and keep him warm and out of drafts. How much Tylan50 are you giving him? You should be giving about 1cc for large fowl, or .5ccs for bantams. Tylan50, from what I've read, should be given for five days. It will not kill him to give it for more than three days.

Antibiotics will only work if it is a bacterial respiratory disease. If its a viral disease, they will unfortunately do nothing. If antibiotics don't work, all you can do is give him supportive treatment. Make sure that you don't give any dairy products like yogurt while using antibiotics.

Watery, discolored droppings are usually caused by a bird either not eatiing enough, or drinking more water than usual. Because he's sick, it could be either reason. Diarhea can also be caused by worms. If it doesn't get any better after the Tylan, I recommend worming him. Get some Safeguard or Valbazen dewormers, as they are good broad spectrum wormers.

Sorry I can't be more helpful! Good luck!
Quote: Yes he is isolated from the flock. I will buy some electrolytes and give him some of that.

I give him 1cc
Quote: Good to hear that, I will continue with it for 5 days.

His home is currently outside in a cage covered with cardboard boxes. I will bring him inside tonight and try to keep him warm.
Quote: I will try that as well.
I apologize for the double post. Is it safe to deworm him will he's on Tylan 50?
I apologize for the double post. Is it safe to deworm him will he's on Tylan 50?

I'm not sure. Personally, I wouldn't deworm him while he's on an antibiotic, as it is stressful to be on antibiotics, and to be wormed. Just do one, and then the other.
Good news, the Tylan 50 worked out pretty good. I gave him 4 injections total. On the 2nd night of Tylan 50 I started to put him under a red heat lamp. On the 4th day his runny nose went away and I don't hear any bubbly sounds anymore. However, I added some sulmet (sodium sulfamethazine) to his water just in case. He's been drinking it for a couple of days now and he is getting a lot better. I also sprinkled some electrolytes in his feed and he eats everything. So far so good.

I will deworm him with some valbazen as soon as my shipment comes in. I'll keep you guys updated.

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