sick speckled sussex


In the Brooder
7 Years
Jul 20, 2012
She is about 13 weeks now. Initially she got her head pecked raw and we moved her indoors till this healed. We put her back out and she again had some issues w/ others pecking her so we separated her from them but still in coop. She seemed ok for a few days following this but now she is just sitting w/ head buried in her feathers and not eating or drinking. I moved her back indoors to keep an eye on her but still not eating or drinking. What can I do?
Have you examined her head (and the rest of her, for that matter) for signs of infection? Has she been eating or drinking prior to this?You may need to physically pull her head out from under her wing to get a good look.

Try tempting her with a delicious treat like yogurt once you have her attention. She needs to stay hydrated, so if that doesn't work use a needleless syringe to very, very carefully give her some water.

Going by your post, I'd guess she's either in shock or suffering from an infection, or she may have some damage that went unnoticed before. If she looks fine physically and her temperature's normal, keep her in a warm, dim area and occasionally give her some more water. Hopefully she will snap out of it.
Ok...thanks for the do you take the birds temp? I know it's to be 107 -107.5.
I have never taken a birds temp before but I would assume you would do it the old fashion way - right up the bum.

I saw someone post a few days about super tiny bird mites that were causing illness and feather loss around a hens head. I do not have any experience with this but you may want to do a little research and see if it is a possibility.
Honestly, I just feel under the wings and compare it to a bird I know is healthy. It's not scientific, but you'll be able to feel the difference. Remember to keep both birds in the same area beforehand.

But otherwise, yeah, stick a thermometer up the vent to get a more accurate measurement.

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