Sick to death of mycoplasma

Those who are selling natural remedies are willing to jump through governmental hoops. I am not. And I am not simply complaining about the injustices of our society. I AM DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT. I am pointing out the BLATANTLY OBVIOUS for those who have been blinded by their "education" and programming. And then giving them the information that has been so conveniently destroyed. I have no need to make money off the knowledge. Seems you have issue with having the TRUTH told to you. Seems there are a whole lot of your kind around these days. Hence the success of the authority fulfilling their agendas. You sure like to tell people what to do for a living. Earlier in the thread, you told someone else to start a hatchery. No one asked for that advice. Got anything of use to add that can help with the growing MG problem? Or just more of the same old song and dance? Oh, that's right. Birds are sick. Your overlords say kill them. Move along. Regurgitate everything your owners say. And make nasty comme to to anyone who has info that contradicts it. Maybe you should work for the government and get paid for your loyalty instead of spreading the propaganda for free.
Hahahaha! You have no clue. Adios.
To get rid of it, you're going to have to cull everything and start over. It's so contagious that you can assume everything has it and you can assume anything new will get it automatically. I would personally cull, clean with bleach or some similar product, and then then do a quarantine as in waiting a few months. That's what we had to do.
It is so frustrating to hear how people think these days!

Of course you can build an immunity towards MG!!!! It is a bacteria isn't it? Does the immune system fight off bacteria? YES IT DOES! How convenient for an industry that can't provide a cure, to tell you to kill your flock! Whatever you do, DONT FIND OUT THE CHEAP CURE! Cures that aren't profitable don't exist...according to the overlords.

Meanwhile, back in the old days, before our world was controlled by the great authorities, motivated by the almighty dollar, people USE TO TURN TO NATURE FOR THEIR TREATMENTS! MG treatments is no different!

Gripeweed, also known as Gale of the Wind, Stonebreaker, and Seed-under-leaf, can kill this bacteria. Something no antibiotic can do! So therefore, ask a vet, they will tell you THEY HAVE NO CURE! Go ask mother nature. She has one! God provided all we need. I am so blessed that I knew my great grandpa, who was a poultry farmer. Back in the days before all these controls and synthetic drugs. I just wish I had him longer. I am certain he took more info with him. Than the family absorbed!

Make a tincture of the weed. Dry the weed. Crush it, and add it to 80%vodka. Place in a dark spot. Shake it once a day. After four to six weeks, strain out the herb, and put the liquid in a dark bottle with glass eyedropper. You can add the removed herb to your chicken feed. A little at a time over several days. It does contain alcohol. So keep that in mind when feeding. Or, you can toss it if you don't feel comfortable feeding it to your birds.

Give this time ture to your sick bird, two drops daily until symptoms subside. You can so add a dropperfull to a gallon of water to treat the whole flock.

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Just like taking measures to prevent other things, like mites for example, we need to also be taking measures to prevent viruses and bacterial infections. Help to build the immune system with good nutrition. And also adding natural antibacterial and antiviral herbs to your chicken’s daily feed ration. Herbs like astragalus, thyme, oregano, lemon balm, garlic, stinging nettle, yarrow, and echinacea are a great place to start. These steps help the birds to irradiated the bacteria before it ever gets a chance to take hold! But, even with all these measures, you can still end up with a sick bird. Because the bird can be stressed from something else, when it comes in contact with a bacteria. And then, you need to step in and help give it a boost, by giving it the tincture.

So much knowledge has been lost!!! Thanks to the medical industy, passing MARKETING TACTICS, as SCIENCE! Once upon a time, natural remedies was the only option. And people knew what to do! It was common practice. Now that knowledge is all but forgotten! And we are told "there is no cure". When the FACT IS, THEY DONT HAVE A CURE! IF they can't sell you something, then there is no treatment! When was the last time you went to the doctor or vet and was told to use an herb for your ailment? NEVER! No money to be made that way! And these practices have left everything, animals and humans and even plants, more vulnerable and more sick! And BRAINWASHED! We KNOW that if we go to a different environment, we are more susceptible to illness because we are exposed to new bacteria and viruses. Things our immune system does not know how to fight. Well, if we keep killing off the birds who survive MG, then the future birds are more susceptible and more vulnerable to it. We are making our flocks weaker and weaker by this practice! YES! Be forthright and don't sell any exposed birds to others. But don't just kill them off either!!! Look for what people USE TO DO FOR TREATMENTS! They didn't survive by good luck!!! And they certainly didn't have a vet to get antibiotics from! But they also didn't kill off their entire flock because of an illness either! Good luck.
Thank you so much for this answer, I'm so upset, because my quails got mycoplasma and I afraid my chickens will get it as well, even if I try everything to protect them. Anyway my heart was so heavy but your comment just helped me to find an inner strength that I somehow can help my poor birds...I love them so much, I'll try your advice and get some of this plant. I believe in nature, it helped me to heal after a serious infection and helped me to treat wounds as well, so your words gave my confidence back. The problem is in my country I can only get Gale of the Wind in a form of tea. What do you think, can it help as well as your tincture?
Google how to find Stonebreaker online...I ordered it very expensively from ebay and it was not correct. I tried some other places and it's impossible to find. Tons of those herbs are going away and getting nearly impossible to find.
Much like going to a vet and they say "dont feed your dog table scraps." Well, what did dogs eat before dogfood facotories? And how can we believe that FOOD isnt good for an animal?
The overly processed foods we eat aren't even good for us. We used to eat very basic, simple meals without preservatives other than salt and smoke, now chemical preservatives are in most things you buy from the store.
Sure, feeding a dog simple things like plain cooked meat or veggies won't hurt, but when you start adding sauces, spices, sugars, extremely processed foods etc. into it (things like McDonalds for example) a lot of dogs are sensitive and can have major digestive upsets or even allergic reactions in extreme cases.
It is so frustrating to hear how people think these days!

Of course you can build an immunity towards MG!!!! It is a bacteria isn't it? Does the immune system fight off bacteria? YES IT DOES! How convenient for an industry that can't provide a cure, to tell you to kill your flock! Whatever you do, DONT FIND OUT THE CHEAP CURE! Cures that aren't profitable don't exist...according to the overlords.

Meanwhile, back in the old days, before our world was controlled by the great authorities, motivated by the almighty dollar, people USE TO TURN TO NATURE FOR THEIR TREATMENTS! MG treatments is no different!

Gripeweed, also known as Gale of the Wind, Stonebreaker, and Seed-under-leaf, can kill this bacteria. Something no antibiotic can do! So therefore, ask a vet, they will tell you THEY HAVE NO CURE! Go ask mother nature. She has one! God provided all we need. I am so blessed that I knew my great grandpa, who was a poultry farmer. Back in the days before all these controls and synthetic drugs. I just wish I had him longer. I am certain he took more info with him. Than the family absorbed!

Make a tincture of the weed. Dry the weed. Crush it, and add it to 80%vodka. Place in a dark spot. Shake it once a day. After four to six weeks, strain out the herb, and put the liquid in a dark bottle with glass eyedropper. You can add the removed herb to your chicken feed. A little at a time over several days. It does contain alcohol. So keep that in mind when feeding. Or, you can toss it if you don't feel comfortable feeding it to your birds.

Give this time ture to your sick bird, two drops daily until symptoms subside. You can so add a dropperfull to a gallon of water to treat the whole flock.

As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Just like taking measures to prevent other things, like mites for example, we need to also be taking measures to prevent viruses and bacterial infections. Help to build the immune system with good nutrition. And also adding natural antibacterial and antiviral herbs to your chicken’s daily feed ration. Herbs like astragalus, thyme, oregano, lemon balm, garlic, stinging nettle, yarrow, and echinacea are a great place to start. These steps help the birds to irradiated the bacteria before it ever gets a chance to take hold! But, even with all these measures, you can still end up with a sick bird. Because the bird can be stressed from something else, when it comes in contact with a bacteria. And then, you need to step in and help give it a boost, by giving it the tincture.

So much knowledge has been lost!!! Thanks to the medical industy, passing MARKETING TACTICS, as SCIENCE! Once upon a time, natural remedies was the only option. And people knew what to do! It was common practice. Now that knowledge is all but forgotten! And we are told "there is no cure". When the FACT IS, THEY DONT HAVE A CURE! IF they can't sell you something, then there is no treatment! When was the last time you went to the doctor or vet and was told to use an herb for your ailment? NEVER! No money to be made that way! And these practices have left everything, animals and humans and even plants, more vulnerable and more sick! And BRAINWASHED! We KNOW that if we go to a different environment, we are more susceptible to illness because we are exposed to new bacteria and viruses. Things our immune system does not know how to fight. Well, if we keep killing off the birds who survive MG, then the future birds are more susceptible and more vulnerable to it. We are making our flocks weaker and weaker by this practice! YES! Be forthright and don't sell any exposed birds to others. But don't just kill them off either!!! Look for what people USE TO DO FOR TREATMENTS! They didn't survive by good luck!!! And they certainly didn't have a vet to get antibiotics from! But they also didn't kill off their entire flock because of an illness either! Good luck.
Can we use the tea for a tincture? I can’t find the herbs anywhere but in loose teas.

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