Sick turkey I think?


6 Years
Apr 24, 2014
Hi I was wondering if anyone has experienced this before, I have a six month old turkey that about two weeks ago, I let her out to do some free ranging when all of a sudden she just started standing there not moving I noticed it because my wife was petting her and she wasn't running a way usually we can get pretty close to them but when you try touching them they will run away. Even my dog was licking her face and nothing, then after 5-10 min she sat down and didn't move. Even when my other turkeys went back to there coop because the sun was going down. I decide that I would put her in a dog crate and watch her over night so I picked her up and carried her over to the create I put her in she moved around a little pooped got up walked out of the create and was acting like her old self again so I walked her back to the coop. she seemed fine. so about two days ago I had them free ranging while I cut the grass
and I noticed one of the turkeys was just siting there while the others were walking around. I'm assuming its the same turkey I have 3 BBB turkeys two females and I cant tell the females apart. I would get close to her on the tractor but she wouldn't move. about a hour later after I finished cutting the grass I walked up to her and she finally got up I walked her to the coop. And then yesterday when I went to freshen up there water and give them feed her posture was a little off her head was a little low and her wings were a little droopy. but after I feed her she was eating fine just like the rest to them. I was hoping someone could let me know what this is before it gets worse and If I can do anything to help her get over it, my be vitamins or something, thanks.
Are you sure it's an illness, and not a mating behavior? My Blue Slate hen, at that age, began sitting very still in various places, including right in front of me. It was random, but I figured out it was because she had matured, and she was setting down because she was "in the mood for love". LOL She normally, like your hen would stay just out of reach, but when she reached maturity, she would pose like that quite often, and usually she was in the way! LOL It was strange, but otherwise, she acted healthy. When she sat, she often sort of fanned her wings out to the sides....
LOL, yeah that seems like it could be it, the wings fanned to the side, what a relief. This is my first time raising turkeys so I had no idea what was going on. Thank you very much for your reply
LOL, yeah that seems like it could be it, the wings fanned to the side, what a relief. This is my first time raising turkeys so I had no idea what was going on. Thank you very much for your reply
You are so welcome! I bet you'll see some eggs real soon too. My turkey hen layed her eggs right in the chicken nesting boxes. (My husband built my nesting boxes really large!) LOL

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