Sick turkey


Jul 9, 2015
Please help!
I have a sick turkey. She was fine Friday and then I noticed she wouldn't come out on Saturday morning. I thought she might be nesting because she looked like a chicken when they go broody but when I went to move her, she couldn't walk. She is now almost completely unable to move and she is burning up. I know that poultry has a higher temp than us but she almost hurts to touch. I am giving her water via a dropper but I am not sure what is wrong. I hate to lose her but I can't afford a vet. I am not sure what it could be and I want to see if there is anything that I can give her to relieve the fever. I have her quarantined for now but if anyone has any suggestions I would appreciate it. thanks!
Is she not drinking on her own and why you're giving her liquids through an eye dropper? Is there anything else about her appearance you can provide (ruffled feathers, droopy head, etc.). Does she lay eggs? If so, when did she last lay?
I don't know. But you might post over on the "Emergencys " thread. They are pretty good about responding.
I can't give you an answer either, but if you can give her fluids, I'd be giving her apple cider vinegar in that water too, along with crushed garlic and oil of oregano if you have it. will she eat anything? I'd put oregano, and cayenne pepper in it.
She is drinking on her own...we have moved to a water bowl....she is eating also but cannot stand up or move her body...she can and does extend her wings to stretch them. Luna has never laid an egg so I don't know what to look for with that. What does apple cider vinegar and cayenne pepper do? Can she taste it?
Apple Cider Vinegar is an anti-bacterial and is also good to give to birds that are hot and I would add about 2-3 Tablespoons per gallon of water. Cayenne is good to help with potential worms but more as a preventative rather than a cure. I would disagree with the cayenne at this time as it may add to her temperature - but no they can't taste the heat of cayenne like we do.

I do agree with the oil of oregano. If you don't have any on hand then give her some from your spice cabinet in the meantime. It has the same properties but a drop or two of the oil of oregano in a gallon of water is more potent. It is also a great anti-bacterial and other great properties. A natural antibiotic for lack of better word but not a cure.

If she is eating then kale would be another thing to give her as it is packed with vitamins and minerals - natures best. It also serves as a liver detoxifier.

Start with those and keep us up to date with any changes as it could be any number of things so it's really hard to pinpoint what the best approach is to take. But the above listed that others and myself have suggested should be started now to get her started toward recovery.

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