sick, weak emu


In the Brooder
6 Years
Mar 25, 2013
We have 4 emus, 2 we have hatched out and raised as babies. One of those 'youth' emus seems to be very weak, very thin and we have to help him/her up from time to time. The others are all fine, any ideas of what might be wrong? it is the smaller of the two youth birds, but only by a little bit, and there has never been any indication prior to it being treated as runt, etc. We live in Northern California, mild temperatures, and the birds are pastured, and fed grain and various fruits.

Any advice is appreciated, thanks !
Megs, I am embarassed that this forum is not the busy place it used to be. I am not knowledgeable enough for this:

any more details? But it is a very bad situation. Many wild chicks die when young. If this chick needs help up, it's not thriving; and it really needs to be, not just alive, but thriving.

SE,Western Australia
Thanks for the response! Sadly, he passed, he was not a chick, but a 1 1/2 year old youth. We are not sure what he died of, and are watching the other birds closely for illness.

Thanks, megan
I am sorry to hear that. It's unlucky to lose a bird at that age.

Stay active on this forum. Post photos. There is a great deal we can all teach and learn.

So sorry to hear about your bird. Do you think the others weren't allowing him to eat? I have a sheep that I have to keep by himself because the others wouldn't let him eat and I didn't realize it until it was almost too late.

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