sickly hen


11 Years
Aug 19, 2009
lexington, KY
okay, this is as much info as i can give:
she is 13 months old
was about 6 pounds
now about 4.5 pounds
diarrhea is lime green or yellow, i don't see anything in the droppings like worms
she looks okay, but is lathargic, and isn't eating well
her diet has been standard laying mash, scratch, and scraps, nothing the rest of the chickens aren't getting.
she has had the condition for several weeks, has not been quarantined due to no place to put her. but the rest of them seem fine.

anyone else seen yellow poo?
How does her crop feel? Is she laying and has she laid recently? Have you done a bug check and are you sure about the worms?
her crop is fine, she was laying up until 4 days ago (had missed 3 days in 7 months) I see no sign of parasites or worms. all the other hens are fine.
If her crop feels fine, I would think cocci or ecoli or something GI related.

If you can find a way, any way, to separate her, do so.

Sulmet is supposed to treat both cocci and ecoli. It is an antibiotic and coccistat. You can gett sulmet from your feed store. I would treat her with it and keep a close eye on the rest of your flock in case they have It too.

Because of the antibiotic, you need to replenish her intestional flora. While you are at the feed store get some probios probiotic powder to help replenish good gut bacteria. Mix it in with some hard boiled egg yolk for her. Also, if they have nutri drench for poultry, try giving her a few drops of that.

I would try hard to find a way to separate her so you can control her meds, diet, and moniter her progress. Not to mention protect the rest of your flock.

Good luck! Keep us updated!
Indiana, is Tylan for GI issues as well? I thought it was just for respiratory problems?

I mean that as an honest question, not a challenge! I'm still learning, so am not an expert by any means!

I thought that green poop usually = ecoli

i believe she is going to make it. i went to the feed store on thursday to get sulmet, but they were out. in the mean time, my hen had gotten worse, she was now crippled on one side. on friday i found a place with sulmet, so i called my wife to check on the hen prior to making the trip for the medication. i didn't see any point to buying it if she was dead. the word came back good. she was up and about. and she continues to improve. last night she ran with a limp for table scraps and stood tall and flapped her wings. i ended up giving her no medication. and have no idea what she had.
Sounds like she got injured, if she's limping. Keep a close eye on her to make sure she's getting enough to eat. When my hen was injured, she got so she wouldn't hardly eat, because it was to painful for her to get to the food dish. I had to separate her so she would put some weight on. She's fine now.

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