*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

I'm confused...are we still talking about men? Cause I was totally talking about men.
Chickens are more useful than men. I'd like to see a man lay an egg every day.
You know, without Spook here to call me a harlot cougar, this isn't nearly as much fun. I guess I need to get to baking...maybe he will come out of the woodworks if he smells good treats. ;)

I just wish they didn't have to be so loud about it.

When we first got Betsy, my mini mule, she was a bit people-shy, particularly of men (oh, yes, they know!) One day, as I got out of my car after dropping the kids at school, I heard DH's voice screaming curses from the direction of the barn. There were barely enough printable words to understand what he was so upset about, but I kinda knew. He'd left the gate open, and Betsy had slipped through. Moments later, I see Betsy coming around the corner, running just fast enough that DH couldn't catch her. DH was chasing her, yelling as he went (even though he knew perfectly well that the noise wasn't helping the situation at all). Loping along behind him was Syd (another mini) looking like, "I don't know where we're going, but here I come, too!" When Hubby saw me, he said, "Oh good, you're home. You can catch the stupid thing." (Like you really thought you were going to catch her like that?!) Betsy trotted right up to me. I just happened to have some carrot pieces in my pocket, so I had no trouble getting everyone back where they belonged. Fortunately, even Hubby was laughing about it!
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