*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Hey now, there will be no broody magic directed at the Queen. The Queen has enough problems with Princess Lily!
As unreliable as the broody GPS has proven in the past, someone could always claim accidental misdirection.

But our dear Queen Em
probably understands why I feel that toddlers, properly employed, are one of the most effective means of BC yet invented!
Oh Bunny, you have no idea. While my darling daughter is the joy of my life most days...we do have days that make me understand why some animals eat their young.
Isn't there some sort of saying about "The apple not fallng far from the tree"? Or is that just some foggy recollection in this old brain of mine?


When my daughter told me that she was pregnant, I said, "That's wonderful. I hope that you have a daughter." She asked, "Wouldn't you like a grandson?" My reply, "Sure, but I am wishing you a daughter just like you." I have since apologized for wising that upon her.
Oh yes, the curse every parent puts upon their child...however I think I got more than I deserved.

Lillian is an incredibly intelligent child, sweet, adorable...and she uses it to her advantage. About a week or so ago she crawled into bed with me, snuggled up sweetly, and said in a darling innocent voice: "Mommy, close your eyes." which I did, thinking she wanted to nap and snuggle....she promptly punched me in the face. :/

My dear Queen, I have vivid memories of my own childhood, so I have no illusions about what children are capable of. It is no coincidence that my husband and I were married for more than 10 years before we had children; nor that there is a 4-year difference in age between my two kids.
I think Lillian will be an only child. Not to say I don't cherish my daughter...just to say that if I ever speak of having another, I've obviously gone mad.
Well, as long as you have no 'time for THAT' I think that you are safe. Just trying to put your mind at ease. I remain:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Your friend, The Broody Magician
do a little dance
'n' sing a little song

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