*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)


This is sour

Looking good... Except he's not wrinkly enough. Sour is roughly 457 years old... Picture a tortoise, then add more wrinkles.
Oh Tani, why in the world would you speak so harshly about a tort, er, an Elder this way?
But on the positive side, Bobalot at least didn't catch Sour during one of his late night dances!

Sorry Bunny, I shouldn't have gone there!

But I am working with a new client to patent Lobe-Ox, a new organic brain bleach. Part of the deal is an unlimited supply for the Kingdom!
(so far it only has a few "minor" side effects to be worked out!)
Due to attorney/ client confidentiality laws, I'm afraid that I can't answer that question at this time.

But rest assured that I'll gladly represent all members of the Kingdom in a class action suit for almost pro bono wages in the event that we buy, er get approval on this product!

Is this like fuzzy Bunny wasn't fuzzy was she? All bunny's are fuzzy (at least on the outside!)!

Coflict of interest, inside info, do you expect something like ethics here?????? Smell the clover here Bunny! I'm a lawyer for goodness sakes!!!!!


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