*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

That's it...lots of sugar. That guy has a real sweet tooth. He knew what was in there..have to wonder how many times they have had to fill it up, just for this one.

Sugar cubes. Better eaten .. as a cube. Melted..tastes like sugar water. What? Add lemon, tastes like Lemon Aid.

This guy ships from Kansas tomorrow. I'm a nervous wreck. This is one of Burt's birds, so you can all imagine how much he means to me. MFB about had a heart attack when I told him that this bird is going to the vet for regular check ups.
Just a couple hens, also from Burt's birds. They should all mature about the same time. Hens come next month though. I want to make sure I have those guy settled and happy first. Plus I think if I stagger the vet visits MFB won't be quite so shell shocked.
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Sour, the first time I saw BB2K's face, we were at 16 weeks' gestation, and I was captivated. She was suckling her thumb. A fetus of that age has almost no fat (that gets put on during the weeks just before birth), so they have a sort of wizened, almost anorexic look, but even to this sci-fi fan, they are inescapably human. I can't say that I thought my obviously not-ready baby beautiful at that stage, but I felt like I had met her, and was all the more eager for the day when I would meet her face-to -face.
They say he's alre 5 pounds. I'm sort of in agreement there, because it feels like I'm carrying around a baby hippopotamus.

I'm actually really thankful to see him. With as crazy as this pregnancy has been, I was very worried about that kid.
Yeah, me, too.

He looks great. What the guys have to understand is that the ultrasound goes through all tissue, flesh or bone or teeth, and the depth of field on the beam is pretty shallow. You don't get much of a 3-dimensional image; it's more like a thick slice through whatever is being scanned. If the wand or the baby moves just a little bit, you go from looking at the face to scanning through the skull - pretty weird, until you get used to it. The live image can be a bit easier to decipher than the stills, because your mind can build on what it has just seen as the angle changes.

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