*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Yes, we had some glory days that I'd say are long gone. We are missing too many to ever be as great as we once were.

Thanks for the congrats everyone. We worked really hard for this baby boy. He was 8 pounds, 8 ounces. He's been insanely calm and quiet. And 100% healthy, which is what really matters! It's huge weight lifted off of me to have him here and able to SEE him.
Em, he is lovely, and I'm getting all sentimental remembering that stage - you spend a lot of time just gazing at them and drinking them in . . . . but I wouldn't get too used to calm and quiet; as I recall, they get over that pretty quickly.


Gads, he was so young! What happened??
I'm not the one staring.

I'm really enjoying him. Connor is not thrilled, but Lillian thinks he's the cutest thing ever. Rhiannon is just glad it's all over I think.

Poor Clucky is too pooped to, well, poop - she just came home and crashed without even brushing the shavings off. 10 days at the fair have worn the poor bird to a Frizzle! For a few days, she was working in an exhibit called "Buddy's Barn" in the agriculture tent, then she got promoted to demo'ing a model coop for a local hardware store. Such is the life of a super sized chicken supermodel.
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Em, congratulations! Luke is a beautiful baby boy indeed! A word of warning though.........I think he's gonna be a heck of a sparkly!!!! gets it from his Mom

Well I guess I should tell you folks.......I will no longer be Crown PrinceJD, Protector of the Realm. Instead I will be King JD, Ruler of the Realm and Keeper of the Peace. Next Tuesday JD is getting married..........................

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