*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

The speed of a sloth, guess he would be a good place for the birds to built a nest.........
Well, I'm disappointed.

My dad gave me a Kindle for Christmas a couple years ago, and it broke on my last flight home. He knows it goes with me e-v-e-r-y-w-h-e-r-e, and when I show up without it next month, there will be questions.
It wasn't one of the uber-fancy new ones, but they're $80, and I know he'll be upset.

I was almost able to get a replacement on Craigslist for $45, but DUH, it was already gone.

I think I'll move to New Zealand and change my name to Dorcas.
4:00 Wenesday afternoon and I get a call from from my
unreliable sources that Em has been spotted crossing the
South Carolina state line in her itty bitty car.

Appears that Em has indeed escaped from us. Apparently
she is trying to get away from the turkey coming for dinner
on Thursday.

So...if anyone notices a car with North Carolina plates, a strange
woman driver and a little girl that looks like Lilly...just wave and
get out of their way. Do not try to apprehend : they are harmless.
Rumors say they will attempt to return to North Carolina after the
turkeys leave.

***Dorcas is a nice name Eenie. For short, can we call you Dork?
I hear New Zeland is nice this time of year. Write when you get a chance?

I'm just checking in to say Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.

Taz learned a lesson tonight. It is really hard to make pumpkin pie while doing the Dougie.
The looks on my daughters' faces was sooo worth it though.

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