*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

No, I am not Santa. I do have an in with the old guy through one of his elves, and NO there will be no sitting on my lap. Sourland was out in the pouring down rain feeding and providing fresh water to his dogs.
Lot of rain here too. I'm hoping for not so much rain tomorrow when 24 people descend on my house - I'm hoping that the 12 kids can play outside...
No, I am not Santa. I do have an in with the old guy through one of his elves, and NO there will be no sitting on my lap. Sourland was out in the pouring down rain feeding and providing fresh water to his dogs.

You should take some pictures of those dogs. I bet they are gorgeous.
You have beagles, right? We thought we had a beagle, but now I think she might be an American Foxhound. We got her at the shelter - one blue eye, one brown eye and too tall and skinny (and fast) to be a beagle.
No, I am not Santa. I do have an in with the old guy through one of his elves, and NO there will be no sitting on my lap. Sourland was out in the pouring down rain feeding and providing fresh water to his dogs.

You should take some pictures of those dogs. I bet they are gorgeous.

and wet LOL
We've had that picture taking conversation.
The designated GD for picture taking could not come here yesterday - she was 'sick'. Wanna bet whether or not 'lover boy' spent the afternoon with her???

She laughed hysterically when I explained the 'Younger Rules' and 'Bucket Philosophy.'

Nope, no wet dogs - they all have covered pens that protect them from the elements.

Sourland, however, is wet.
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Just checked the weather for tomorrow - snow tonight...
any ideas for what to do with 12 kids stuck inside the house? - it will probably be too muddy/slushy to sled ride...

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