*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

thanks My Queen oh the silke named Queen she is meaner then our roosters LOL and she sleeps in a nest box where all the hens lay their eggs LOL
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When my little one is sick, he wants me to snuggle with him in the middle of the night. It's amazing how someone so small can take up so much room and take all of the blankets... but yes, the next morning he gives me those big brown eyes and wants to cuddle on my lap...
I guess I'm weird...because I like when Lily sleeps with me. I sleep better than normal. Otherwise, I still wake up and check on her every few hours.
Em says, "I guess I'm weird" -
Actually, more like bashing somebody else's head against a wall.
Much more helpful.

For me, it's "Bash all the heads!"

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