*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Ever hear of Bruce Jenner?.....apparently SOME things
in life can be changed...

A doctor, a lawyer or a president from the SOUTH?

If you're gonna dream, might as well dream big.
Jimmy Carter.....
And Tani remember when a few years ago you couldn't wait to be like 16 to drive and a few years before that you wanted to be like a fifth grader to be one of the "bog/cool" kids in school. well in a few years you'll see that instead of trying to stand on the gas to get o;der you wonder how to cut the throttle and be looking around asking where the h e double hockey stick is the brake, and also wishing you also had a couple of anchors fit for a aircraft carrier....
Oh gosh, yes. I remember being 12 and thinking 19-year-olds were adults who were so suave and had their lives together... and now I know so, so much better.

As for wishing time would slow down, I definitely already get that. It's already moving too fast. A month ago I was in New York City with another guy friend, and a year ago I was in Boston with my aunt... and yet, both those events feel like they should have been last week, they feel so close. And from what I hear, the feeling will only get worse.
(If Steven was awake, I'd drag him over to say hello, too.)

Steven is my friend who likes chickens. He's been visiting the kingdom, but he's currently asleep, because he works on Sundays.
Haha, being an altar server counts as work, does it? Sure, I'll go along with that!

Quote: Gasp! I feel as if my whole life story has been exposed. Even if it's not quite that simple.
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Not your whole life - just the interesting bits. Though in this place, you may find that you have bits that are a lot more interesting than you remembered them as being, or even bits that you never knew you had!
Alaskan, did you get bitten by someone something? Or maybe you bit your tongue? I know you didn't just see a vole; you've been around them far too much to get excited about anything they do.
Yes, you absolute nerd, being an altar server is work. You had to carry a cross. That's like some Jesus level ish right there.

Except, I can't do that anymore with my wrist injury!*
Too heavy.

*For everyone else: so, I got hit by a drunk driver on the interstate and suffered a bad wrist injury, ending my organist career and preventing me from doing lots of normal things, like the abovementioned.
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