*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

well, Em, as to my intentions, I can't be entirely sure, but rest assured that they are good and not bent on brownie snatching.

I do like brownies, but I've never tasted yours, and right now I don't have the ability to

I love cats! I have two, Rascal and Robin, and a third one ran away over last Christmas break. I've had a cat or two all my life!

I don't like poodles very much.

sorry, you'll have to work harder than that to scare me
I like this Ec_Prokta.

I thought you might find that cheesy, but it's true all the same

I'm not answering your questions, because you're asking them too fast
Many minions. MANY minions.

Now...what is YOUR REAL NAME?

How much "Hard time" did you do in the "Pen"?

Don't lie...Epidermis knows when you lie.
Maybe Tani can fill you in on Em's minions... think of things worse than a 3 year old boy running around the house after drinking his dad's Pepsi...

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