*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Probably got a computer virus. Maybe less time on line would help?

Yeah. Going for a walk earlier was akin to Seventh Heaven, because I could ignore all the birds.

Tani should take notes. If her mother is carrying twins, Tani may be feeling a bit like erner after they are born. My friends who have raised twins tell me that getting the babies to synchronize their sleep cycles takes a while!
I have a friend who raised 5 boys, and her last 2 were twins. When I told her I was expecting my first, she said, "Maybe you're carrying twins." "I wouldn't mind that," I said, and she burst out laughing. "You have no idea!" she said. From what she and others have told me, twins are much more than twice as much crying as singles, because they keep waking each other up. She said they "aided and abetted" each other in ways the others didn't, too. This gal is my hero - how she survived when they went through their teens, with all that testosterone in the house, I'll never know!

Mornin' erner!
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