*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

In that case, I should probably avoid driving with my brother, since he has neither.

Maybe we should just make a law that only women are allowed to drive. The world would be a better place!
Absolutely not! That'd give them an excuse to not go to the store. I HATE going to the store. In fact, I didn't renew my license for about a month...so I didn't have to go.
A woman your age Em, probably just completely
forgot to renew the license..

Tani, I was simply pointing out a few certain "issues"
that can come up while driving. I'm sure some of the
other Elders could add their own piece of knowledge.
In that case, I should probably avoid driving with my brother, since he has neither.

Maybe we should just make a law that only women are allowed to drive. The world would be a better place!
Well, I think that your brother probably does have appropriate testosterone levels, and as far as allowing only women to drive ---
Is it true that Tani's car has training wheels?

Is it true that Tani's car is heavily bubble-wrapped?

Help me out guys...

Is it true that Tani's car is....?
In that case, I should probably avoid driving with my brother, since he has neither.

Maybe we should just make a law that only women are allowed to drive. The world would be a better place!
Y'all do not know my sister. Three totalled and seven more with blown engines. With her the automotive carnage will probably never end. That didn't include riding mowers or go-karts either.
Back to teaching my daughter...

As a rule, I don't cuss.

But in teaching her to drive, I've got this invisible parrot
that sets on my shoulder.

And she's scared the crap outta him...Hana hit a stump
this morning.

She said my parrot has the mouth of a sailor.

"I've earned the right..."

One more? This one involves my brother.

We were in Columbus one night, staying with a cousin.
Couldn't sleep in the city. So my brother and I went for
a walk in the neighborhood.

Saw a man trying to use a coat hanger to open his car.
Being two friendly country boys, we stopped to talk and
offered to help him.

He never said nothing about that not being his car.

Nobody told me and my brother we were supposed to run
when the cops came...

Try explaining that one to your Dad...

"Oh yes, I've earned the right."

I have spent the last 3 hours reading this thread. My cats think I have gone insane with all the laughing I have done!
If it's true that Tani's car is an RC (radio controlled) car, I hope her brother's not at the controls!
Me too,
Lady, me too. *gulp*

And BTW... I'm driving the cute little pickup with all the wood and metal scraps in the back. No bubble wrap, pedals (well... except the ones that are supposed to be there) or helmets. Though I may yet invest in a beret, just to look awesome in.
My crazy brother-in-law once out-ran an Arizona State Police car .....

in MY "home-built" VW dunebuggy !!!

He and another fella had been stealing honey from a farmer's bee-hives......
and the Farmer shot at them with "rock-salt" loaded in his shotgun .....then he called the State Police....
....and gave a description of the vehicle.
( It was easily identifiable. )

With the State Police on his tail on the Highway near Superior, Arizona......
........S I R E N HOWLING.........L I G H T S FLASHING !!!!
Brother-in-Law KNEW he couldn't OUT-RUN them on the Highway.....
( The "top-speed" of that VW Dunebuggy was only 50 mph. )
.....with the Cops on-his-tail.....B.-I.-L. drove OFF the Highway...
....and up a desert "Sand-Wash" ( dry creek ) ...that was so DEEP in SAND

I kept MY VW Dunebuggy parked for a few weeks after that
( to let the "Heat" blow-over ).
GLAD I wasn't in on THAT CAPER !!!
( but, I did ENJOY some of the honey.......... )

THE (Royal) Curmudgeon

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