*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Well, Princess Lily disagrees. Mommy is supposed to "get up mommy!" when she says. I'm supposed to fill her "cuppy" when she says, go outside when she says...you get the picture. I don't know if you all realize it or not, but it isn't me in charge of the kingdom. Lily pretty much runs things everywhere she goes. She has mommy well trained, and I'm not the only one.

Better CHANGE THAT.......or the Kingdom will descend into Hades when the Princess becomes a teenager !!!

THE (Royal) Curmudgeon
(who raised 4 children.....3 females............uggh ! )
Well, Princess Lily disagrees. Mommy is supposed to "get up mommy!" when she says. I'm supposed to fill her "cuppy" when she says, go outside when she says...you get the picture. I don't know if you all realize it or not, but it isn't me in charge of the kingdom. Lily pretty much runs things everywhere she goes. She has mommy well trained, and I'm not the only one.
Sounds like she's got this "princess" thing down pat!
Well, Princess Lily disagrees. Mommy is supposed to "get up mommy!" when she says. I'm supposed to fill her "cuppy" when she says, go outside when she says...you get the picture. I don't know if you all realize it or not, but it isn't me in charge of the kingdom. Lily pretty much runs things everywhere she goes. She has mommy well trained, and I'm not the only one.
You think it's bad now - just wait until puberty.
Whoa, my Princess is FAR
past pubertyand exhibits the same behavior.

Please don't tell her I said that.
I have interesting news, but I'm not sure if I should tell you or I should let Eenie tell you for me, as revenge for all the times I tattled on her. Hmmmm...
WHAT? Does her father know. OK, some things just can't be stopped. What time is it and where are WE going. Spook are you available?

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