*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Quote: ... it's a girls only party. We'll be doing girly things, like fondue and Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Besides, I think some girls would object if a random old dude showed up. You're better off having a little old person party with the Princess and a few chickens.
Well now, that's a brush off for ya.
... it's a girls only party. We'll be doing girly things, like fondue and Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing. Besides, I think some girls would object if a random old dude showed up. You're better off having a little old person party with the Princess and a few chickens.

Well now, that's a brush off for ya.
Sounds a bit more like King Lear than "sigh no more, ladies, sigh no more . . . ."
"Random old dude" - that was the 'hurty' part. Sourland is very sensitive.
I'm sorry Sour. Sometimes the truth hurts.

But hey, let's remedy this situation! You are all invited to my Sweet 16 sleepover next friday. Bring something sweet and gluten-free for the fondue. And please, for the love of Pete, take showers.

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