*sigh* I'm loosing my touch. (Warning: Hi-jacked by Em)

Hey everybody, stopping in to say hi.

What's this with all the offers for a tumble? I didn't get mine. . . . wait. . I did elsewhere. . never mind.

Congrats on getting 12,000 posts!

Sorry I missed you Em, seem I never talk to the Queen anymore. . sigh.

Orps, you do know what causes baby bunnies right? It ain't the water.

Onedoodle3, I used to ride motorcylces all the time. Then I got older, wiser and stiffer. Sold I sold them. . . . all nine.

Bunny, at least they trip on you and not step on you. No fun being a doormat.

Hi ya Blue!

Oh and Spook, please keep your sheet on. Youngers are watching. . . . .

Sour, no more broody magic here please! I was barely able to reverse the last spell.

Well good night everybody.
I thought Spook was only tumbling with me!

Oh, Spook, it's a dark and stormy night over here. I made gingersnaps (15 dozen
), but I can make some warm brownies too.
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Onedoodle3, I used to ride motorcylces all the time. Then I got older, wiser and stiffer. Sold I sold them. . . . all nine.
NINE??? Good Grief!! I only wanted ONE!!
But yes, I too have grown wiser...especially after riding from Kingsport, TN to Kinston, NC on one and I was stupid enough to wear SHORTS! Yes, I learned...never, ever, ever wear shorts while riding a motorcycle...oh, and always put your foot FAR away from the exhaust port when the driver is putting the kickstand down and leaning the bike on it.
Yeah, still have the scar from the burn.

Now I have no desire to own a motorcycle....now a Ferrari is another matter entirely!
Blue, Spook will tumble with anyone. His heart follows the warmest oven. Everyone knows how fickle Spooks are. :rolleyes:

I heard he once dumped the Queen of England. She caught him eating another woman's pie. It's true...I read it on the Internet. Everything is true in the Internet.

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