*sigh* parents.......so here's what went on tonight.....

It's a good thing you told him everything, Tay. I know just how you feel.
Miss T I think you are on the right track. Keep up your good work and keep communication with your dad open. It will work out and you will grow closer.

But I have issues with the statement earlier "but in most cases dads think they are doing the right thing, and its a well known fact that men can't communicate about 99.9% of the time. " what is that all about?
Being a teenage guy is hard too. A couple years ago I got into it with my padre. I was telling someone else something and he butted in and that was it, I just kinda blew up and then it was over and I couldnt beleive I actually did it. Ever since he hasnt been a jerk really.
HEY, I had parents literally just like that.. I enjoyed my teen years because I knew others that had it way worse then me.. Divoriced parents, only one parents, poorer then me etc.
But, I will say, my grades were never good enough, I was corrected on anything I did around the house.. I was told to stand up and sit down again like a lady if I sat to hard on the couch. My mom seemed to hate her life and probably was jealous cuz I was daddy's girl.. Even though he was the one extremely picky on grades.. but if an A dropped to an A- he would see that.. not the B that I brought up to an A... I was never told I was loved or that I was pretty or Good at anything..
the happy ending is... It made me who I am today.. I'm confident, proud , happy and content with who I am and my life... I wasn't raised on false images therefore when I did start doing things and other people noticed it felt great... and deserving.. I stayed humble do to my upbringing..
My boys hate me half the time to Taylor.. and its really because I Love them ... I tell them when they move out they can do what they want.
OH> My dad and I stopped seeing eye to eye when I was about your age and turning into a young lady.. with boys calling and such.. I didn't appreciate him as much as I should have while he was alive.. But I was still young and immature... It will all work out in the end.. You just need to remember who YOU are and do things for YOU and not anyone else.. I was hurt daily by my parents waiting for approval.. Funny thing is now.. I still LOVE my moms approval at 41 yrs old.. but I don't need it to feel good about ME! You a good Kid, I know it.. you will be great! you are great and you're just in a really tough stage of life.. it too will pass... Hugs to ya.. Kim
Tbird! We loves ya! It will get easier to relate to your parents..or it won't and you will grow and you will be at peace with it. We can't change people, they can only make the choice to change themselves. You are a intelligent girl. Congratulations for being able to stick up for yourself. I know that can be really hard for someone who is used to taking a lot of flak.
Sometimes its good not to hold feelings in, though often we dont realize until they come out in a RUSH!
Ugh, my dad was the same way, and my mom wasn't always easy either. Sorry you have to go through that. Just know that it will probably get better as you get older......and then you'll have in-laws.

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