Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch

Hi - hoping someone can help me determine sex on these ones. I believe #3 is for sure male, but I’m new to this and would love some help.


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I have purchased my first batch of chicks and they arrived a month ago.
My order was 12 female Barred Plymouth Rock. Hatchery sent a baker's dozen.
All have survived and are healthy.
They are all together with 9 mixed breed that I hatched in an incubator.
I was looking at the chicks this morning and noticed that about half of my Barred Rocks are gray with black and the other half black with gray.
Researching this difference led me here.
I think they had sent me straight run and I have 6 or 7 future roosters.
I intend to contact the hatchery.
What should I expect from them?

Also, I do not need nor want more roosters.
I was gifted 19 chicks last year. 2 died. From the 17 that survived, there were only 4 hens and 13 roosters.
One of them ended up as dinner for a friend after he attacked me multiple times.
I still have 12 left., I don't want more roosters.
I have 7 chicks, never owned any chicks at all before. Pic is 1 week old. If I post pics of them now, at 2 weeks old, could you help me by telling me if they are male or female?


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Thanks :)

I have roughly 30 of these guys hatching today and throughout the weekend (supposed to be Sunday but first chick hatched yesterday!) so I will be sexing them and marking the males to see how well this works with my new line of BPRs.
Do you have pics of these BRs? I want and need reference for mine. Thanks !
Can you tell if this is a Henry or Henryetta?


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