Sight Sexing Barred Plymouth Rock Chicks at Hatch

girl legs are dark, feathers are dark, and the large head spot isn't broken into more than 1 spot still a girl :) post # 251
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Hi, I've been making my way through this thread. I have recently hatched a batch of Australorps and Barred Plymouth Rocks (first Rocks for me :) ) and there was a mystery chick included which is still unidentified.

Can I please ask for your help in figuring out which of my Barred Rock chicks are males and which are females. Thanks :)

Chick 1: My guess is little rooster

Chick 2: My guess pullet

Chick 3: My guess little rooster

Chick 4: My guess, another little rooster (because of the head spot)

Am I right? Thanks for looking :)
Anyone have an idea what sex these 2 chickies are? Forgive the terrible pix, it's really hard to get them to sit still

Chick #1

Chick #2
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Thanks, I was thinking pullets but the little one is so hard to tell, still so little. I will work on getting better pix and wing pix.

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