sign ideas before i shootsomeones doggy

What about chickens that wander off the yard?

Edit: Not to mention that would be illegal in many if not most states. In my state it is illegal to shoot a pet just because they wandered into your yard and a man in my state with chickens was prosecuted for doing so(this week). They have to pose an actual threat to you or your livestock.
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If you do indeed know who owns this dog just tell them what's going on including the part about how much $$ the damages are adding up to. If they don't solve the problem then you will have to but at least you've notified them and given ample opportunity to fix the problem. You need to cover your butt before you blow someone's dog away. Even with live stock laws on the books you can find yourself getting hauled off to court to prove your case and wasting a lot of time and money in the process.
One BYC member probably around two or three yrs ago posted about a dog that kept coming on her property and killing her chickens. She confronted the dogs owner and he denied it was his dog who had killed her birds. She got a paint ball gun and I believe with bright yellow paint balls the next time the dog came on her property she shot the dog with the yellow paint balls. I think there was more conflict with the dogs owner and I think she got the sheriffs dept involved. In the end the dog problem ended. I will do a search and see if I can find the thread.
This is true, if your livestock is within your property and is killed by another persons animal (you saw it or can prove it - not just suspicion) in most areas the owner of said pet is liable for all damages.

I appreciate your post, it offers a far more reasoned and responsible approach. One cannot just go killing any pet it sees on their yard especially when you property is not fenced. If you see a dog in the act of attacking or killing it completely changes the situation, in most states you can legally dispatch the dog AND charge the pet owner to pay for damages done to your property.
You have to becareful with that method as well. In many areas it is illegal to shoot any animal with a paintball or other "deterent"/non lethal weapon. In my area I know it is illegal to do so and you will be prosecuted for doing it. Shooting it with a gun however is legal if it is in the act of killing/destroying your property. Seems kind of strange I know but the law is in place because of animal abuse with such weapons.
I had a dog digging in my planter one day. I put my leash on it and held it for "ransom". The ransom was them having to listen to a severe tongue lashing. Dog hasn't been back in 8 years. A German Shepherd pup goes for well over a thousand dollars these days. I bet that roofer would listen if you did the same.
What about chickens that wander off the yard?

Edit: Not to mention that would be illegal in many if not most states. In my state it is illegal to shoot a pet just because they wandered into your yard and a man in my state with chickens was prosecuted for doing so(this week). They have to pose an actual threat to you or your livestock.

Actually if you read the letter of the law it first states worrying your livestock is grounds to shoot their dog as well and that is the case in Texas. If your dog was to try to herd my livestock or bother them in a fashion as to cause problems it can be shot. The comfort of my animals on my land is more important than your stray dog, disturb them to much and it can cost them dearly for it.
What about chickens that wander off the yard?

Edit: Not to mention that would be illegal in many if not most states. In my state it is illegal to shoot a pet just because they wandered into your yard and a man in my state with chickens was prosecuted for doing so(this week). They have to pose an actual threat to you or your livestock.

Actually if you read the letter of the law it first states worrying your livestock is grounds to shoot their dog as well and that is the case in Texas. If your dog was to try to herd my livestock or bother them in a fashion as to cause problems it can be shot. The comfort of my animals on my land is more important than your stray dog, disturb them to much and it can cost them dearly for it.

Worrying, posing a threat, semantic argument really. Like I stated, if you kill them just for being there ie: kill on sight it is illegal and you will be rightfully prosecuted. If they pose a threat or exhibit threatening behavior - causing them worry - then according to that law you can dispatch. In my state the animal must be attacking or attempting to attack the animals(slightly different than the law quoted). It would be a tough sell to find someone willing to say they are OK with someone shooting their chickens just because they got out of their yard and into someone else's, the same would apply to other pets or livestock.

I see responsibility needed from both people involved in these situations. I do my best to keep my chickens within my property and safe in their run. In doing so, my yard is basically impervious to dogs. I fully expect the same behavior from dog owners to keep their dogs within their property as well. The problems occur when one or both parties neglect this responsibility. We have a responsibility to each other to be civil and we shouldn't forget that. Feuds are never good for either party involved.

Just to be clear, I have no issue with killing an animal that actually poses a threat or is attacking your pets/livestock within your property(within your local laws). This is especially true when appropriate measures to prevent it have already taken place.

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