sign up for the pregnant heartburn club


Warrior Princess
11 Years
Jun 1, 2008
anybody else pregnant with heartburn? well if the old wives tale is true and you have lots of heartburn and have a baby with lots of hair then i am having a baby bigfoot!!!!
i heard women used to eat starch or something like that to help.

i've had to resort to zantac, rolaids and tums weren't helping. but the worst thing i have found so far to give me the worst grief is bananas!
oh, and cucumbers! i love both but right now i might as well be eating sulfuric acid.......
My baby girl is 8 weeks old and she is the only one that I had heartburn with. She had a full head of hair...but my others had MORE and I did not have heartburn with them.
Sorry you are having it with this baby!
I am happy for the both of you but there all types of wives tales, cravings, mine for the first dd was fresh whole milk I went though a gallon or two a week, kfc cole slaw and a mexican resturant close by had a killer guaqimolli and that was a twice a week or more craving. For the second dd it was peanut butter and anchovices which I didn't like before I was pg and didn't get until she was about a month old.
With my last one - water gave me heartburn! My doctor told me I could take 150mg of Zantac morning and evening and take Tums as needed. That seemed to keep it under control.

I know that "head of hair" stuff is just and old wives tale, but my heartburn got worse with each of my 3 kids and each baby was born with more hair than the one before. Hmmmmmmm....
well, can everybody else breathe after you eat? i think baby bigfoot has both her feet or head pushed up into my stomach. half the time i'm hungry but can't eat a lot but feel like i ate a 7 course meal. then the heartburn kicks in. and honestly i can't breathe . doctor says its normal, i think i'm ready for baby to be out!!!!
I feel for ya! I must have ate 5 or 6 LARGE bottles of rolaids when I was pregnant. My little blonde son had hair past his collar & down over his ears. He looked like a little hippey lol

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