SIGN UPS: "Blocks of Hope" Granny Square Swap (Cancer Awareness)

The babies are so cute! I checked on my hens again today and moved the partridge into an area with her baby and found 3 new ones under the other partridge hen, including a Polish from one of my mothers eggs. she's pretty excited about it to say the least, she only has 3 hens and after her rooster got mean she really wanted some babies so she could raise a new roo. The other 2 babies look like blue cochins but we will have to wait til they grow a little before i know if they will stay blue or end up black.

i haven't gotten any pictures of my squares yet. haven't felt very well, went to the doctor on thursday and got some meds for a sinus infection. when ive felt good ive been working on one of the baby blankets. I finished it just a couple hours ago so now i can do some more squares!
The babies are so cute! I checked on my hens again today and moved the partridge into an area with her baby and found 3 new ones under the other partridge hen, including a Polish from one of my mothers eggs. she's pretty excited about it to say the least, she only has 3 hens and after her rooster got mean she really wanted some babies so she could raise a new roo. The other 2 babies look like blue cochins but we will have to wait til they grow a little before i know if they will stay blue or end up black.

i haven't gotten any pictures of my squares yet. haven't felt very well, went to the doctor on thursday and got some meds for a sinus infection. when ive felt good ive been working on one of the baby blankets. I finished it just a couple hours ago so now i can do some more squares!
Need some pics of the babies too!! Lol Hope u get to feeling better!
No I had 1 more. It didn't make it out before passing. :( I was pretty sure it was gone this morning, but started like an assist anyway, just incase. Guess it just wasn't meant to be, cause its beak was right at the hole it had pipped. Looked like it started to zip before it died. It hadn't absorbed all of its yolk though, so idk.

All 5 live hatches have made it to the brooder and seem happy and healthy and have all their parts. Hopefully they will all continue to grow! :)
No I had 1 more. It didn't make it out before passing.
I was pretty sure it was gone this morning, but started like an assist anyway, just incase. Guess it just wasn't meant to be, cause its beak was right at the hole it had pipped. Looked like it started to zip before it died. It hadn't absorbed all of its yolk though, so idk.

All 5 live hatches have made it to the brooder and seem happy and healthy and have all their parts. Hopefully they will all continue to grow!
That is still a good hatch rate Congrats. I set the eggs in my incubator this time at the same time I set eggs under the broodies (insurance) this was my worst hatch ratio yet, between the bator and broodies I think I set 42 eggs and hatched 16 live chicks. All my hatches before that had been in the 90% ish range, I did the same thing so don't know what happened, but suspect it had to do w/ the heat, when I was collecting the eggs it was very hot.

The 5 babies in the brooder. According to the research I've done about feather sexing, it shows 4 female and 1 iffy. I don't trust it personally, but wanted to try it. Lol
The 5 babies in the brooder. According to the research I've done about feather sexing, it shows 4 female and 1 iffy. I don't trust it personally, but wanted to try it. Lol
My oh my if that turns out to be true you could sell that dust!!!!!!
I'm pooped, been in the car almost all day with my neck totally out of whack. got a lot done though, at least as far as delivering things, lol. no crochet today :(

Here's my baby pictures :)
This momma has 4 so far, will give her another in the morning, it's still drying off with one of the girls thats still on eggs. She'll have 2 polish and the rest are cochins(or cochin/ee mix)

This momma has only 3 babies, two are EE mixes and the other(hopefully is a pure cochin thats frizzle, partridge coloring so far.

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