Signs That They're about to Lay???


In the Brooder
11 Years
Sep 28, 2008

I have two cochin hens who about 5mos old and they have no laid any eggs yet. No worries here let nature take its course but I am very excited about my first eggs. Well today I noticed the two hens eating up all the oyster shell I sprinkled out for them as I heard from a friend that will produce a stronger shell. Usually they look and walk right past it but today they ate it all up. Is this a sign they will lay soon?
(within the week or so?) Also I have pekin ducks who were born in late april - they "get it on" constantly but have yet to produce one egg....whats up???
Well, if you are at 20 weeks you will be finding a little egg any day now!

The general signs that they are about to lay are the combs and wattles getting bigger, increased interest in the nesting boxes, and some pullets get a little less friendly to their flockmates as they try to find some time alone to figure out the weird sensations they are getting from their abdomens (
As for the ducks, I am clueless....

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