SIGNUPS CLOSED May/Flowers Gift Swap


I love the soap saver you sent me and it will work perfect with the soap redhead sent me last month. In fact I already have a sliver
Oh don't worry about it. I don't think any kind of packaging could have saved those! You don't have to send my anything else. It wasn't your fault. I do think you have introduced the BYC community to sliver savers. After last month I was going to go buy myself one and luckily never got around to it. I got the peonies set last night. I put them with my other peonies and the peony tree my mom got me for Easter. I love those flowers! They are my favorite "summer flower". I have different favority flower for the different seasons. Spring is definately the hyacinth! Thanks again, love the gifts!
I would love to say I got my Peonies set too, but.....

we are still getting snow! It was blizzarding so bad yesterday that my truck driver husband got sent home early. It was 29 degrees this morning and I had to shovel my way in to the barn! It was nice for about a 3 days a couple of weeks ago. So I managed to get my bulbs and seeds , both from Redhead and Warden in the ground. So they are getting plenty of moisture. NOW for some heat ...............
Bless your heart with the snow.

It was 85 here in Texas yesterday, not bragging because it will be 110 too soon and boy is that miserable.
golden i just love the gift. the theme was a great idea. did both mugs get broken? i want to get me one of those soap savers. can't wait to get my package shipped, i had purchased something a while back and now i have learned a little about my swap partner so i think i am going to keep what i bought and get her something a little more personal. i just have so much fun with these things. thanks again bock for keeping them going.
I got my box from FuzzyButts yesterday .. it was PERFECT.

I don't have picture capabilities right now, but if you and KNOWN it was me before you shopped, it couldn't have been any more perfect ..

Thanks ssssssooooooooooooooooooooo much

We got my sister home and settled today .. and drove the 2+ hours home .. long day .. but she's healthy and happy, so it's all good!

I'll have to shop and send in the next couple days!
I'll go ahead and tell you that you drew me .. Ms. Procrastinator. On top of that, I had my sister in the hospital since April 29 and just got her home wednesday ..

Sooooooooooooooooooo .. I am shopping this afternoon for you! Will try to get the box out in the morning ...

Just so ya know... I'm STILL not LATE... it's all those OVER-ACHEIVERS that make me look bad.

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