Silent and deadly...

If it happened at night the most likely culprit is an owl. During the day I would say most likely a hawk. I have seen eagles here once in a very great while.
I have a very strange-looking chicken run, with chain link fence forming the walls and tree trunk posts holding up the roof which I made of stucco wire. The raccoons have tried getting in (and succeeded once in digging under the fence with disastrous results). I fixed the fence by digging a trench and burying the chain link in concrete. Now my chickens have a run that isfour meters wide by twelve meters long, nice and airy and theyget out for free ranging during the day.Once the predators find them, they won't stop until you keep them out. Maybe a chicken "cage is what you need.
I have a very strange-looking chicken run, with chain link fence forming the walls and tree trunk posts holding up the roof which I made of stucco wire. The raccoons have tried getting in (and succeeded once in digging under the fence with disastrous results). I fixed the fence by digging a trench and burying the chain link in concrete. Now my chickens have a run that isfour meters wide by twelve meters long, nice and airy and theyget out for free ranging during the day.Once the predators find them, they won't stop until you keep them out. Maybe a chicken "cage is what you need.
:welcome :frow

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