Silent Roo

Aug 13, 2020
I have 10 young Coturnix, 3 of which are Roos; all identified through vent sexing. Two of the Roos tell us very loud and often that they are dudes - they LOVE to stand on their tiptoes and crow to the heavens. But the third roo hasn’t crowed once, he’s as quiet as a mouse. I questioned whether we’d done the ID right, so double checked his vent and he definitely looks male. He’s also got the solid rusty brown chest colour. Do some roosters just not crow? Is he a roo that identifies as a hen? Is he confused???
Oh wow, thanks I had no idea. This particular bird got injured as a chick and spent some time in the brooding pen kind of keeping to himself while his foot healed (After I kept him in a quarantine hospital box for a couple of days). The others picked on him a bit. I wonder if that set him up to be the underdog forever...
Oh wow, thanks I had no idea. This particular bird got injured as a chick and spent some time in the brooding pen kind of keeping to himself while his foot healed (After I kept him in a quarantine hospital box for a couple of days). The others picked on him a bit. I wonder if that set him up to be the underdog forever...
That is why it is submissive but that is not a bad thing my submissive roo's are still protective and funny ,sweet, curious don't count him out
I won’t, I’m a fan of the underdog and I bonded too much with him when he was injured - I felt so bad for the poor little thing that I stayed up all night feeding him electrolytes and putting brassica poultices on his tiny leg!
Good i have to tell you I had a bantam rooster that was on the bottom of the roo totem pole he killed a raccoon that got in the run to protect the flock
I have 10 young Coturnix, 3 of which are Roos; all identified through vent sexing. Two of the Roos tell us very loud and often that they are dudes - they LOVE to stand on their tiptoes and crow to the heavens. But the third roo hasn’t crowed once, he’s as quiet as a mouse. I questioned whether we’d done the ID right, so double checked his vent and he definitely looks male. He’s also got the solid rusty brown chest colour. Do some roosters just not crow? Is he a roo that identifies as a hen? Is he confused???
please for the safety of your bird if you still have'nt..put the roos seperate or provide him atleast 2 hen 3 is better for his happiness..quails are flock bird and they feel sad and lonely if kept alone😁

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