Silkie 2-1/2 months old with eye problem


In the Brooder
9 Years
Mar 23, 2010
Hi all, I could really use some help with this eye problem that my little white silkie has. He is 2-1/2 months old and has always been the smaller of the bunch. He started having a yellowing on he feathers around his eye which looks to be a discharge, but now the eye is starting to close up sometimes as well. I have also noticed that this yellowing is also on the feathers that just won't develop on his upper wing area behind his neck. I thought it could be something that got on him and tried to clean it with water, but it doesn't come off and the wings won't develop there. I'm really concerned about him because I also have some jersey giant babies around 2 months old that I had to quarantine for a respiratory infection. This little guy, however just started this eye problem after they've been out for at least 2 weeks. Any help would be most appreciated! Here are some pictures to show the problem. Thanks so much!



Thanks for responding. No, it doesn't smell at all, just looks really ugly!! He seems to act just fine and is eating a drinking well too.
I'm bumping this so that perhaps someone will see it again and offer some suggestions for me. I really need some ideas. Thanks!

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