Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Quote: You are absolutely correct. Only recessives are referred to as split. Split is heterozygous--but with a recessive, there is no way of SEEING it--you only know it is present because of breeding records--one parent was homozygous, therefore it MUST have the recessive gene that is not apparent in its appearance.

A black has no dilution genes such as blue. A blue has one copy of blue and a splash has two. Blue X blue will have 25% black offspring. Black X black will never have blue offspring. A black will never have splash offspring.
eastern equine encephilitis, your 4th link says it is possible for them to get it but there is a vaccine for it. Wish I knew about that! NH had some pretty bad outbreaks of EEE last year and a lot of livestock died that were'nt vaccinated. Some outbreaks were in the area.

Now I need to find out how to get the vaccine!
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Chickens can get a number of encephilitis diseases. Talk to a vet or your state agriculture department about vaccines. Having a vaccine for one species does not mean there is one for all species.
no yeah I know, but it says there is a vaccine for domestic poultry against EEE so I will find out where to get it. The mosquitos are BAD out here, I miss being out in AZ with no mosquitos, I can deal with the scorpions!
Nori has another egg coming
please let her lay it easily! It feels small and it's still far in there but I could feel it. No mess please! She's still eating fine and putting up a stink for her meds. I have been giving her only a tiny bit of food and less than 10 hours of light so I hope it stays a small one and won't put a strain on her ovaduct and vent...
Nori has another egg coming
please let her lay it easily! It feels small and it's still far in there but I could feel it. No mess please! She's still eating fine and putting up a stink for her meds. I have been giving her only a tiny bit of food and less than 10 hours of light so I hope it stays a small one and won't put a strain on her ovaduct and vent...
1/2 " Prep H into the cloaca, twice a day. Been there . Done that. It works.
Turtle.....congrats on the the new birds. I am a BIG fan of Marge Best. I am sure if you have any questions about what to expect, she can answer them. That lady know SO much about silkies.I could spend hours listening to her
Enjoy your birds from Karen & Marge....I know I do.

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