Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Marge Best Dark Blue 7mo cockerel

Hit me with it
I like this young cockerel's type in the first 3 photos. In the 4th he is reared back, but I think that will correct when he develops more depth of chest. His comb and tail feathers need a bit of work, and I would like to see a dark head , hackle , and saddle on a lighter blue body.A nice young bird, who looks as though he will end up balanced.
my silver partridge silkie rudy got attacked today he got out of his pen and got attacked by my big roosters and his eye is badly pecked but the eye is still there but you can barely see it .. I hope he will be okay and his comb is all cut up to
my silver partridge silkie rudy got attacked today he got out of his pen and got attacked by my big roosters and his eye is badly pecked but the eye is still there but you can barely see it .. I hope he will be okay and his comb is all cut up to
try veterycin eye ointment or something like neopolymycin opthalmic ointment to help it heal. He will probably end up blind in that eye though if it's as bad I it sounds. Should be fine though as long as you keep infection away. You can also put some neosporin(without pain relief) on his comb.
Dragonlady, how does Snow look in these pictures? Better? He has a tendancy to hold his head WAY back but I think it's mostly just to show off. When he's relaxed this is how he holds it. Also his tail has a bit more poof than that, he was just still partially wet from his bath. He also usually holds his wings tighter. This is just the best pic I could find of his normal pose rather than his "exagerated" pose.

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Quote: In the 4th pic here I was trying to get his attention because he was eating. So I snapped my fingers and he popped up, I just took the pic to get him upright. I am planning on breeding him with a Catdance light Blue pullet that is very light. I hope to get the correct Blue out of this pairing. And she has good small smooth comb and better wing position. Might show this guy at a local show or two to just see how he does, but I know he is too dark.

Here is the light Blue he will be paired with.
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Marge Best Dark Blue 7mo cockerel

Hit me with it

I like this young cockerel's type in the first 3 photos. In the 4th he is reared back, but I think that will correct when he develops more depth of chest. His comb and tail feathers need a bit of work, and I would like to see a dark head , hackle , and saddle on a lighter blue body.A nice young bird, who looks as though he will end up balanced.
I also like him a lot. Does he have silver leakage in the hackles or is that just shine? Dragonlady - aren't they all capable of rearing back to get a better look around? I see all mine do that as the crest feather block vision.
Dragonlady, how does Snow look in these pictures? Better? He has a tendancy to hold his head WAY back but I think it's mostly just to show off. When he's relaxed this is how he holds it. Also his tail has a bit more poof than that, he was just still partially wet from his bath. He also usually holds his wings tighter. This is just the best pic I could find of his normal pose rather than his "exagerated" pose.

I would love to see a side shot of this boy showing his feet. My feeling is that his center of balance is too far to the rear. When he drops his tail, he has to bring his head and neck forward to keep his balance . Notice in the bottom photo the extreme reverse S curve from his beak to the very base of his neck when his tail is up. On Cochins and Silkies the angles of the thigh bone( Femur) and the Tibia ( lower thigh) are acute. On a Modern Game Bantam, they are very open. This is what affects balance.
I also like him a lot. Does he have silver leakage in the hackles or is that just shine? Dragonlady - aren't they all capable of rearing back to get a better look around? I see all mine do that as the crest feather block vision.
Silkies are capable of all sorts of gyrations, as you all know ! Notice that the Blue boy's tail stays pretty much in the same position , no matter what his head and neck do.His back is not too short so that his center of balance is maintained.Look at illustrations of chicken skeletons, paying attention to the thigh and upper thigh angles.

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