Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Are fair shows APA sanctioned?

This one was but most are not from what i've heard. It was an APA/ABA sanctioned show. Ended up coming home with one more bird than I brought lol. Not a silkie, but I got him for free. He was going to be sold for snake food because he didn't sell during the fair and I couldn't resist his sad little face. He is actually a really sweet bird but he is pretty sickly. He has really bad scaly leg mites with a lot of damage especially around is hocks. He also possibly had lice(I found one floating in the coconut oil after I had been slathering it on his legs though I didn't see any when giving him a bath), and he is very malnourished and his breast bone juts out about a half inch! I have sprayed everyone with permethryn and put vita-pro-b in their water. They all seem healthy and have gotten over their ordeal lol! It was good practice for them, we have a "real" show in 2 weeks so they should be used to it and show off well.

Okay Vickie I have a question regarding the points system. I noticed that both the APA and ABA have this...I joined the APA but not the ABA...yet. Are they the same? What is the point in joining both? Is one preferred over the other? Confusing!

For heaven's sake join ABA if you have Silkies, or bantams. There are more ABA shows than APA shows. It is a shame that APA can no longer hold a show on it's own without ABA sanctioning as well, but that's a fact. The biggest competition is in Bantams at ABA shows.
LOVE these two! My icelynn babies are doing good, and their wing feathers growing in do look silkied! Gave them a little bath to clean off the food they rolled in >P Starting them early! Any opinions? Their toes are still pink tipped, but i'm hoping it darkens with age. They are only a week old.

LOVE these two! My icelynn babies are doing good, and their wing feathers growing in do look silkied! Gave them a little bath to clean off the food they rolled in >P Starting them early! Any opinions? Their toes are still pink tipped, but i'm hoping it darkens with age. They are only a week old.

I think they are adorable and I love the way they are both looking the same direction in every picture - twins! Were you thinking their feathers would not be silkied? The Sizzle probably carries a Silkied gene even if it has smooth feathers, so no help there.
I think they are adorable and I love the way they are both looking the same direction in every picture - twins! Were you thinking their feathers would not be silkied? The Sizzle probably carries a Silkied gene even if it has smooth feathers, so no help there.

NO I was just worried when they started coming in they would be smooth. Then I wouldn't keep them
I don't have enough room for birds I don't plan to breed.
For heaven's sake join ABA if you have Silkies, or bantams. There are more ABA shows than APA shows. It is a shame that APA can no longer hold a show on it's own without ABA sanctioning as well, but that's a fact. The biggest competition is in Bantams at ABA shows.
Well good grief, this is more of a pain in the a@# than I thought it would be. Three clubs is a bit much (throw in the ASBC), especially for someone like me who has never liked clubs of any kind. lol
Can I not get into the master breeder program with just the APA?
This one was but most are not from what i've heard. It was an APA/ABA sanctioned show. Ended up coming home with one more bird than I brought lol. Not a silkie, but I got him for free. He was going to be sold for snake food because he didn't sell during the fair and I couldn't resist his sad little face. He is actually a really sweet bird but he is pretty sickly. He has really bad scaly leg mites with a lot of damage especially around is hocks. He also possibly had lice(I found one floating in the coconut oil after I had been slathering it on his legs though I didn't see any when giving him a bath), and he is very malnourished and his breast bone juts out about a half inch! I have sprayed everyone with permethryn and put vita-pro-b in their water. They all seem healthy and have gotten over their ordeal lol! It was good practice for them, we have a "real" show in 2 weeks so they should be used to it and show off well.

Is that a bantam BR? He is a cute little booger.

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