Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

It's not MG!!!!!!!!!!!! It's something similar that happened to that chick posted earlier. Something got under her eyelid and infected it. We think she has lost her eye (sight) though. :(. We got like a BIG plug of puss and we couldn't get a little bit that was down deep in her bottom eyelid.
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All of this is just convincing me further that silkies are not chickens at all;-)
All chicken have the same complicated genetics. The only think unique about silkies is the shredded feathers that prevent seeing patterns on their feathers
No, I was just referencing how much different silkies seem in many ways, just in general. Yes, silkie feathering...but what about walnut combs? Are silkies the only chicken with the walnut comb?
No, but I'm tired and not up to looking up the other breeds tonight

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