Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

Good morning silkie folks! 

I just wanted to drop a line to reintroduce myself. It's been over three years since I was last active on here, I used to go by cheshiechick13 (totally forgot my old password as well as the password to the email that account was linked to LOL). I had a beautiful flock of lavs and they were all massacred by a large dog early one morning. It was a mess of a situation. they were cooped and the dog got his big head in there and popped the door. Ironically I ended up marrying said dog owner (dog was immediately re-homed after that mess). Love my husband... not a fan of his former dog. I have been on a three year hiatus from chickens, I was so discouraged after that. I had spent so much time and money on those birds, I just gave it up after that. I guess I needed some time from that awful situation. 

Well I'm back. I have 14 silkie eggs in the bator due to hatch on Monday (crossing fingers). If all goes well I'll have some Lav splits, buff lav splits, buffs, porcelains and even paints :jumpy

Anywho I thought i would poke my head out of hiding and say hi! 


Welcome back!

Best of luck!
There are eye drops you can get from your dod vet called GENTOCIN DURAFILM. That is great stuff for this sort of thing.
Thanks. He is in a breeding pen now but still has an eye watering problem. I have to clean the area around his eye about once a week now. I plan to show him at the end of this month. Maybe I can get that watering issue under control or stopped. He's real easy to handle since he's been getting it cleaned out since he was a week old. Here he is now

His top knot is more like a hat. His streamers go up over it. I need to get a close up of his head.
Here is one of my favorite frizzled silkie pics. I got this color from a frizzled partridge silkie hen and a white silkie roo. I just love the white beard.

The one below came from another frizzled partridge silkie hen and a porcelain silkie roo. I couldn't get a side shot because she refused to stand sideways. lol
Can you remove the filter off of the picture so that we can see the colors better? sorry there is actually no filter.. my phone just takes photos like this.. they looked like paints.. only one has a lot of paint.. the other two have very little paint.. but they are starting to develop another color.. like a light brown (patches on their neck and head) maybe it is just brown paint coming in?? or maybe they are getting calico and paint silkie characteristics?? The pics that i am putting up now does not show the brown because they were younger..

chick 1.

chick 2

chick 3

what is their quality from these pics.. sorry about the filter look, i can't fix that :(

My 10 week old silkie

My 3/4 day old chicks
Greetings! Just wanting to throw a few pictures of our black pair up for critique! Don't pull any punches.

The black n white picture is the recent one, he lost his crest from what I assume is molt and they're starting to come back. The hen beside him gets routine crest clips or her entire face disappears... The third pic is the hen between crest clips.

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