Silkie breeding, genetics & showing

I wouldn't keep the bird with leakage unless it ends up having phenomenal type, but that's just me. If you breed a bird with leakage, you'll be culling more of its offspring for the same reason.

The other two, I'd keep and breed together to see what they produce. I had a blue cockerel that started out the same way, with a couple of white feathers here and there. As he matured, he developed more and more white feathers, like a mottled colored bird. That's exactly what I had planned to do with him, try to start some mottled Silkies. Sadly, something got him :( I'll post some pics of him later (when my daughter gets off the computer), its hard to share them from my phone!

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Omg he is beautiful! I love him! Like a reverse paint. Just wow.
Thanks, I was pretty smitten with him. It broke my heart to loose him :hit I'm hoping to get another cockerel or pullet like him this year to try again. Except, I was just breeding willy nilly last year, so I have no idea which hen produced him. I only had 1 rooster and 4 hens at the time, so it shouldn't be too hard to figure it out though!
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I wouldn't keep the bird with leakage unless it ends up having phenomenal type, but that's just me. If you breed a bird with leakage, you'll be culling more of its offspring for the same reason.

The other two, I'd keep and breed together to see what they produce. I had a blue cockerel that started out the same way, with a couple of white feathers here and there. As he matured, he developed more and more white feathers, like a mottled colored bird. That's exactly what I had planned to do with him, try to start some mottled Silkies. Sadly, something got him
I'll post some pics of him later (when my daughter gets off the computer), its hard to share them from my phone!

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thank you I will probably sell the leaky one. As for the ones with white feathers I believe they are both pullets and if thats the case I think I will put a paint rooster over them and see what happens. they are definitely black not blue so who knows could be some kind of reverse paint :) lol
Can anybody put some input on my two silkies they are both 8 months and I got them when they were only a day old, got them from a very sweet lady who breeds them and she only had white because sadly her coop with her blacks and spalsh had been attacked. One is a rooster who in my opinion is beautiful and the other is a hen who hasn't started laying yet but silkies grow slower so I guess that's why and we have had a bad winter too the first is my Roo
[/IMG]he has his neck stretched out some
and I did not trim them or wash them this is all natural i will have to post pictures of my hen later because she decided it would be more fun to jump in my lap and move when I take pictures
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Anyone have some white or splash hens, pullets, or eggs? I also want a white roo as well, but has to have a big poofy crest. Kind of Sunshine Silkies type.

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