Five weeks ago we got six 1 day old silkie chicks from a local breeder. They are all doing well except for our little buff who doesn't appear to be growing or at least is growing very slowly. She is about 1/2 the size of the others and is not as energetic as the rest. She is eating and drinking and is interested in goodies I give them like yogurt and eggs. A few weeks ago she was very lethargic and the breeder suggested adding poultry drench to the water. That definitely seemed to help and I've been using in their water ever since. I'm guessing there are a number of reasons why she is not growing. I even wondered if it was possible she was a dwarf but I'm guessing the fact that she is more lethargic than the rest must mean there is something underlying that is preventing her from thriving like the rest, Is there anything else I could be doing to help her? I included a picture of Cinnamon with her showgirl sister Olivia to show the difference in size.