Silkie Chick, Parrot Mouth?


8 Years
Jul 31, 2016
Central Florida
Hello, I bought this little chick a few weeks ago and did not notice it's beak until after I got it home. Any input is welcome. To me, it doesn't look like the bottom beak is short, just that the top beak is super long. Is that even a possibility? I bought it for breeding purposes, so I don't want to keep it if it is parrot mouth. Thoughts?
:eek:That’s one long beak! I’m not sure if it’s something genetic, or if it’ll effect breeding, but for now I would trim it with animal nail trimmers until the beak looks normal. Just make sure you don’t hit the quick(vein)! If you do, cornstarch helps stop bleeding. Adorable chick!:love I think it might just be from not being able to wear it down, but I’m not sure.
:eek:That’s one long beak! I’m not sure if it’s something genetic, or if it’ll effect breeding, but for now I would trim it with animal nail trimmers until the beak looks normal. Just make sure you don’t hit the quick(vein)! If you do, cornstarch helps stop bleeding. Adorable chick!:love I think it might just be from not being able to wear it down, but I’m not sure.
Thank you so much!
:eek:That’s one long beak! I’m not sure if it’s something genetic, or if it’ll effect breeding, but for now I would trim it with animal nail trimmers until the beak looks normal. Just make sure you don’t hit the quick(vein)! If you do, cornstarch helps stop bleeding. Adorable chick!:love I think it might just be from not being able to wear it down, but I’m not sure.

Hey Mikehh,

I went ahead and trimmed a little off he/she?'s beak. It looks better. I also put some rocks in the brooder, so maybe that might help. Thank you for your input. I greatly appreciate it.

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