Silkie Chicken Love! NJ farms?


7 Years
May 27, 2012
hello everyone,
i joined this forum for my absolute love for chicken and an appreciation for all the people who also love Silkie chickens!
im researching as well where to find a Silkie Chicken farm in NJ to purchase some for my home , so if anyone can point me in the right direction....that would be greatly appreciated!
have a blessed day ;)
Welcome to BYC! I recently began my flock with a mix of 8 chicks. No silkies but some ee's, golden comet, brahma, bantam mix, buff orpington and a java. I got three of them from a local in hunterdon county. When I picked up my three fuzzy butts he showed me a beautiful white silkie - soooo fluffy! His name is Dan and he's very helpful, if he doesn't currently have what you want he will hatch them for you. Feel free to email him at [email protected]. Good luck!
Hello and welcome to BYC!
Hello and :welcome

You can check out your state thread in Where am I, where are you to find folks in your area who might know where to go.

Don't hesitate to ask any questions you might have, and enjoy the site. :D

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