Usually I'm pretty good at sexing my Silkies, but this one has me really confused.
He/She is 7 months old (can't confirm if laying due to size of flock);
not crowing at all (my last Silkie rooster crowed at 4 months - nonstop);
comb is large and black but I have hens with the same size;
waddles are not red over overly large;
no real Silkie rooster tail or wing feathering (that I can tell);
docile and not really displaying any "rooster tendencies" but he/she is just very large. I mean this Silkie is twice the size of my largest Silkie hen.
Any help? Sorry these are the best photos I could get of him/her....a little camera shy. If it is a male, as long as he doesn't crow he can stay but I'm really hoping it's just a Big Girl
He/She is 7 months old (can't confirm if laying due to size of flock);
not crowing at all (my last Silkie rooster crowed at 4 months - nonstop);
comb is large and black but I have hens with the same size;
waddles are not red over overly large;
no real Silkie rooster tail or wing feathering (that I can tell);
docile and not really displaying any "rooster tendencies" but he/she is just very large. I mean this Silkie is twice the size of my largest Silkie hen.
Any help? Sorry these are the best photos I could get of him/her....a little camera shy. If it is a male, as long as he doesn't crow he can stay but I'm really hoping it's just a Big Girl