Silkie Cross Breeds

I love my silkie crosses, you never know how they will turn out. I started with 2 silkie hens, a silkie rooster and 1 frizzle rooster and 1 frizzle hen.

These are two of my silkie crosses. The white is a cochin/silkie cross and the black is a frizzle/silkie cross.

I have a few like that. The top 2 pics are some of the chicks I have now. The bottom one is one of last years chicks, but I have a couple like that this year. I am going to try and get some pictures today of the chicks.
Well, only one of our 4 eggs made it. little fella is cute as a button. quiter then our other chicks have been, more receptive to being picked up, but does not like to be enclosed. like. one hand on top to prevent a jump.
little fluff ball is cute as a button. starting to get a few of the larger feathers in. they look to be a light buff color and holding together like a regular feather. I swear this is so exciting. I cant wait to see what it grows up to be. The wite egg from a leghorn hen did not make it. we let it go on to ~30 days candled one last time and there was no movement. the kids and I opened it up and it was fortunate not to hatch. there were some defects that would have prevented the little bugger from surviving. But that won't be our last try at a leghorn silkie cross. Just need to get some good candidate eggs rounded up and try another batch.
. This is 1 of 5, from an EE hen, with a charcoal grey Silkie Roo
So here is our little one growing up nicely. Still don't know if the sex
But I believe based on the egg and coloring it was one of the buff orpington
hens that laid this egg with a white silkie roo. we've got a few more in the bator hatching right now :D
second attempt at a leghorn silkie cross. will either be a white or brown leghorn. we also have a
batch of just silkie eggs cooking as well. I think I'll call it a "silkington" the feathers are kind of silkie,
yet fairly full.I think it'll have a nice full tail. wing feathers look like normal feathers. it is cute as the dickens tho

You can see our new partidge silkie roo in the background. He's been acting like a good mom
to this little bird. they are like best buds.


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